It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag ten people. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real - nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question.
1. What is your name Mei Yan 2. A four Letter Word Fuck 3. A boy's Name Jason 4. A girl's Name Michelle 5. An occupation umm... singer? 6. A color Purpleeee! 7. Something you'll wear bikini.. lol hehe! 9. A food SUSHI!!! 10. Something found in the bathroom toilet bowl. lol 11. A place My house.. randomness 12. A reason for being late traffic jam...? 13. Something you'd shout DAMN. female dog.. n so on 14. A movie title transfomers! 15. Something you drink iced lemon tea 16. A musical group uhh.. idk 17. An animal Puppies 18. A street name asshole street.. idk wei! 19. A type of car de lame Malaysian car.. Proton 20. The title of a song Boom Boom Pow.. hehe cos im listening to it now
10 people to tag: 1. Alison 2. Liang Jun 3. Sher Wu 4. Jamie 5. Calvin 6. Yue Teng 7. Viki 8. Jia Yuin 9. Meng Xi 10. Pei Ming
on the last day of choral fest was crazy! the awesomest day among the whole 3 days choral fest. we had sectional practice as the usuals and combined section practice to. BUT the most important thing is the choral fest concert! it was extreamly crazy!! The children's choir were damn CUTE!! they were dancing and singing! lol if only i could find a video of it!! Then it was the STC Cherubim (the guest choir from philipines) choir's turn. They were damn good! They sang with energy and high spirit.. thats why they sound so good. Our turn is next.. sang all the songs taught by professor Andre. It was bout 30 minutes long! Then we all sang 'Not Alone Anymore'! We went crazy singing this as usual. went round hugging ppl, saying buy, taking pics, and so much more!! Then its serious GOOD BYE... sad. go get our bags and went home. Cant see the other choirs dy.. hope this year is not the last year/last time we can meet. hope to see you all next year! byebye